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The mission of Humannovations is to create a healthier future through innovative solutions that empower people and communities, and reduce global mental ill-health and suicide. 

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Humannovations has served CBOs, US states, large tech sector and health organizations and national health systems in six countries. 

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Humannovations' Expert Circle

Humannovations’ mission is supported by leaders at the top of their fields in social enterprise, public health, mental health, suicide prevention, health justice, training, peer support programs, evaluation and research. Sector advisors – including John Draper, PhD, Executive Vice President of Health Technologies at Vibrant New York and Director of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline; David Covington, CEO of RI International; and Luba Botcheva, PhD, strategy and research consultant to the Company – bring dozens of years of development, evaluation and research expertise, including international work in developing nations. Joel Bosch, entrepreneur/business and finance expert, provides consultation on financial strategy and management.  Other experts in criminal justice, the arts, suicide prevention, veteran mental health and trauma-informed care training, contribute insight and an expansive marketing network.

“Transformation without work and pain, without suffering, without a sense of loss  is just an illusion of true change.” - Wm. Paul Young

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