The Activating Hope technical assistance process, developed by international experts at Humannovations in partnership with RI International, the US National Suicide Prevention Lifeline and Prevention Communities, is a rapid-implementation approach to expanding and integrating “lived expertise” of suicide within suicide prevention organizations and communities.
August 2018
Staff of Lines for Life Oregon's leading Lifeline Crisis Contact Center engage as a collective in Activating Hope TA Phase 2 with Eduardo Vega.
The purpose of the Activating Hope technical assistance process is to accelerate integration of the value of lived experience in suicide prevention at the level of organizations, systems and communities
Activating Hope Technical Assistance is a highly engaged process of remote and site-based consultation in a 3-phase format involving dialogue, assessment and action planning. Each consultation is customizable depending on needs, goals and availability of the organization or communities.
The process is designed with the following key objectives:
1. Assist stakeholder communities, crisis centers and other organizations in their goals for
a) including, b) integrating and c) implementing lived experience in their efforts related to suicide prevention.
2. Provide key concepts, dialogue facilitation and problem-solving among stakeholders related to lived experience integration
3. Provide expert support to staff, volunteers and other stakeholders in exploring disclosure and related opportunities.
4. Implement a structured process of systems level self-assessment, strategic goal setting, teaming and action steps
5. Assist in the development/adjustment or change of organizational programs, policies and practices as related to the above, including culture change initiatives.
6. Foster leadership, community and co-learning; and build a related fund of knowledge and resources for progress in the field.
All aspects of Activating Hope are based in community-engaged dialogue, organizational change management principles and lived expertise , including some of the world's foremost leaders in suicide prevention innovation.
EDUARDO VEGA, M.Psy.; Project Director
CEO/Principal at Humannovations
Eduardo Vega has worked as a leader in advocacy and transformative behavioral health programs and practices including national, state and regional technical assistance, research and training projects and major policy initiatives in suicide prevention, stigma and discrimination reduction, consumer rights and empowerment, community integration, self-help and peer support services. From 2010- 2016 he served as President/CEO of the Mental Health Association of San Francisco as well as the founder and Principal Investigator of the Center for Dignity, Recovery & Empowerment.
Eduardo has been invited expert to the Obama White House, the US State Department and the World Health Organization.He serves on the Steering Committee of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, the Global Anti- Stigma Alliance and the Executive Committee of the US National Action Alliance for Suicide Prevention, through which he founded the first national Suicide Attempt Survivor Task Force. For his work in culturally focused programs, stigma reduction, empowerment and systems change he’s been recognized by the United States Senate, the US Surgeon General and others. He holds an M.A. in Psychology from New School for Social Research.
DEQUINCY LEZINE, PhD; Director, Research and Evaluation
CEO Prevention Communities
Dr. DeQuincy Lezine, President & CEO of Prevention Communities, started working on student mental health issues as a sophomore at Brown University. An internationally known suicide researcher and speaker he is the author of Eight Stories Up, 13 Answers to 13 Reason Why and primary author of The Way Forward: Pathways to hope, recovery, and wellness with insights from lived experience of suicide (from the US Suicide Attempt Survivor Task Force). DeQuincy is the founding Chair of the Attempt Survivor Lived Experience Division of American Association of Suicidology and Co-Chair of the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline Consumer Survivor Committee. He earned his Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology from
UCLA and completed a postdoctoral fellowship in suicide prevention research at the University of Rochester. Throughout his career, he has maintained a passion for mental health promotion and suicide prevention with college students.
For more information about Activating Hope or to request services contact Eduardo Vega, Project Director
“Let difficulty transform you. And it will. In my experience, we just need help in learning how not to run away.” ~Pema Chödrön